Professional anthropormorphic and visual digital art

Welcome to the weasel works website!

Here you can find commission information, pricing and TOS. If you're interested in seeing examples of my work, click this button!

Yes, I am open!

Current wait times for completion are 5-21 days Larger and more complex commissions have the chance to be in development for more than 21 days.

How to commission:

Feel free to contact me on the social media links below and send me a direct message. If you have any questions or are unsure about anything at all, just ask!Discord: DumbWeasel#1016

Commonly asked questions

What are YCHs?

YCHs (your character here) is a type of art where the posing and scenery are already drawn out. This makes the commission much cheaper than drawn from scratch.

Can I still commission you if I am under the age of 18?

Yes, absolutely! But under no circumstances will I provide you access to NSFW art. Suggestive art is included in this.

If there is a limited YCH, and I dont have the money, can I put it on hold?

Yes, you can, but I will remove the commission from my holding queue if I do not recieve payment within 2 weeks. (14 days)

What payment types do you accept?

Paypal is my primary transaction type, but I do have other optons such as ko-fi, cashapp, and venmo.

Thank You

I cannot thank each and every single one of you enough for supporting what I do for a living. It brings a smile to my face to bring any and all people art.Tip jar: